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GPS Monitoring

Modern Solution
for Your Fleet

Effective fleet management is crucial for the success of any company. The DSLocate system offers a comprehensive real-time vehicle monitoring solution. By partnering with Data System, clients achieve an average of 25% cost reduction and 35% increase in fleet management efficiency.

Lower Costs
Higher Efficiency
Real-time tracking ensures you always know where your vehicles are. Minimize theft risks and ensure the safety of your employees.
Cost Control
Automated payments in the e-Toll system, monitoring distances traveled, fuel consumption, and vehicle operating hours allow for full control of operational costs.
Monitoring and optimizing fleet vehicle routes reduces time spent in traffic and at stops. With detailed data, transport planning has never been easier!

Poznaj aplikacje DSLocate - centrum zarządzania Twojej Floty

Monitoring pojazdów
Kontrola kosztów
Raporty i statystyki
Monitoruj swoje pojazdy
To podstawowa zakładka w systemie monitoringu GPS - DSLocate, zawierająca listę pojazdów, informacje o prędkości i położeniu pojazdu, jego statusie, poborze opłaty e-TOLL oraz statystyki dzienne. Monitoring GPS stale nadzoruje ich stan, dzięki czemu możesz szybko sprawdzić najważniejsze kwestie.
Należy dodać treść dla "Powiadomienia"
Należy dodać treść dla "Kontrola kosztów"
Należy dodać treść dla "Raporty i statystyki"
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Dawid Andres
Z Data System przez świat!
Habitasse cursus id ullamcorper amet. Tincidunt mi vulputate ut imperdiet elit justo. Blandit pretium vitae hendrerit tincidunt turpis ultricies. Dolor id pretium, vitae dictum curabitur vulputate id. aMorbi nunc diam, suspendisse ut ultrices erat.
Dawid Andres
Z Data System przez świat!
Habitasse cursus id ullamcorper amet. Tincidunt mi vulputate ut imperdiet elit justo. Blandit pretium vitae hendrerit tincidunt turpis ultricies. Dolor id pretium, vitae dictum curabitur vulputate id. aMorbi nunc diam, suspendisse ut ultrices erat.
Dawid Andres
Z Data System przez świat!
Habitasse cursus id ullamcorper amet. Tincidunt mi vulputate ut imperdiet elit justo. Blandit pretium vitae hendrerit tincidunt turpis ultricies. Dolor id pretium, vitae dictum curabitur vulputate id. aMorbi nunc diam, suspendisse ut ultrices erat.


1. What is e-TOLL?

The e-TOLL system is a modern solution built, implemented, maintained, and supervised by the Head of the National Revenue Administration to collect tolls for passage on toll roads in Poland managed by the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways. The system is based on technology that determines the users position using satellite positioning with the use of virtual gateways. Every user of a vehicle with a permissible total weight above 3.5 tons can equip their vehicle with an e-Toll GPS locator, create an account in the National Revenue Administration system on the website www.etoll.gov.pl by providing the GPS e-Toll locators Business ID and start automatically settling toll road passages. Also, users of passenger cars and vans with a permissible total weight below 3.5 tons can equip their vehicle with an e-Toll GPS locator, create an account in the NCA system, and automatically settle passages on national highways without the need to purchase tickets or use a smartphone with a special application.

2. How does it work?

After installing the e-Toll GPS locator in the vehicle, you need to register the company and vehicle in the government e-TOLL system (www.etoll.gov.pl) using the Business ID included in the locators box. The package also includes detailed registration instructions in Polish and English. Then, you need to top up your e-TOLL account with a minimum amount of 120 PLN (approximately 30 EUR), and you can hit the road. Passage through gates on "national" highways is done without taking a ticket. The gates are always open. Settlement for passage is done automatically. For heavy vehicles, vehicles with trailers over 3.5 tons, and buses on expressways (so-called "S-roads") where there are no gates, no action needs to be taken. If the locator is connected to power, the passage is automatically settled.

3. What do I need to purchase to use e-TOLL?

Do korzystania z systemu e-TOLL niezbędne jest wykupienie usługi monitoringu i lokalizacji pojazdów, na którą składa się: certyfikowany lokalizator GPS e-Toll oferowany na naszych stronach www oraz abonament na okres 1 roku, 2 lat lub nawet 3 lat. Abonament zawiera wszelkie opłaty związane z transmisją danych na potrzeby systemu e-TOLL, utrzymaniem karty SIM, aktywacją usługi e-TOLL, przekazywaniem danych do serwerów rządowych systemu e-TOLL, dostęp do bezpłatnej aplikacji mobilnej DSLocate, archiwa tras oraz wsparcie techniczne. Przed upływem terminu zakończenia abonamentu aby móc dalej korzystać z systemu, należy ją przedłużyć. W innym przypadku abonament po zakończeniu wykupionego okresu wygaśnie.

4. Why cant I buy a regular GPS locator, for example, on auction portals?

The National Revenue Administration, responsible for the e-TOLL system, requires that data transmission be uninterrupted and continuous. Therefore, companies providing vehicle location services, to be integrated with the e-TOLL system, must undergo a long and painstaking certification process. Certification involves not only the GPS locator itself but also the entire network infrastructure, including the tracking application, servers, and data transmission frequency. Therefore, sometimes the same type of locator, which may be much cheaper on popular auction websites, will not be approved by the NCA if the company providing the location service has not undergone the necessary certification.

5. How long do I have to sign a contract for?

When purchasing locators offered by Data System on the website, there is no need to sign any contract. During the purchase, you only need to provide invoice details and an email address, and choose the subscription period, i.e., how long the GPS locator should send data to the e-Toll system (you can choose from 1 year, 2 years, or even 3 years; some periods may be unavailable due to promotions). The purchase can also be made for a private individual.

6. Do I need to buy a new device after the subscription period ends?

Of course, there is no such requirement. About 3 months before the end of the subscription period, we will contact you to propose its extension for another period. You can also visit our website and extend the subscription yourself by paying with a Visa or MasterCard. If you decide not to extend the subscription, the service will expire, and the locator will stop broadcasting. There is no need to return the device or dismantle it because you own the locator. However, you can always contact us, and even after the subscription expires, you can restore the operation of the locator for the selected period (1 year, 2 years, or 3 years).

7. Jaki będzie koszt abonamentu po upływie roku, 2 lat lub 3 lat?

Koszt abonamentu będzie taki sam jaki jest obecnie oferowany. Podobnie jak obecnie, do wyboru będą trzy okresy abonamentu: roczny, dwuletni, trzyletni. Zastrzegamy, że w przypadku wybranych ofert promocyjnych niektóre okresy mogą być niedostępne. Abonament zawsze będzie można przedłużyć kontaktując się z nami na adres mailowy: biuro@datasystem.pl , możliwe będzie także wykupienie abonamentu w aplikacji DSLocate.

8. Mam kilka aut, czy do każdego muszę zakupić osobną usługę?

Niekoniecznie. Nasze lokalizatory oferowanie w sklepie na stronie internetowej można w prosty sposób przenosić pomiędzy pojazdami. Szczególnie jest to proste w przypadku lokalizatora wpinanego do złącza zapalniczki. Trzeba jednak mieć na uwadze, że w przypadku kiedy lokalizator jest używany do rozliczania przejazdów po drogach płatnych w systemie e-Toll, przekładając lokalizator pomiędzy pojazdami należy usunąć BiznesID przypisany do pojazdu w systemie e-Toll na stronie www.etoll.gov.pl , z którego zabieramy lokalizator, a to samo BiznesID przypisać do nowego pojazdu. W przypadku przeniesienia lokalizatora między pojazdami a nie przepisania BiznesID w systemie e-Toll opłaty za przejazd będą naliczać się dla pojazdu o innym numerze rejestracyjnym.

9. Do the devices work abroad as well?

Certainly. When using our locators outside the country borders, we offer a flat-rate roaming service within the EU or flat-rate roaming outside the EU. It involves charging a one-time, flat-rate annual, biennial, or even triennial fee, which includes the costs of data transmission for all trips abroad. To purchase the flat-rate roaming service, please contact Data System at the address: biuro@datasystem.pl or you can also find this function in the DSLocate application. As part of the flat-rate fee, you can travel outside the country borders without any kilometer or time limits in roaming.

10. Besides e-TOLL, do the locators have any other functions?

In addition to the e-TOLL service, our locators have many additional functionalities. Using them is possible after concluding a separate agreement. After concluding the agreement, the list of possibilities provided by the DSLocate tracking application expands significantly. A long list of various Reports appears, access to an advanced alarm module, notification system is available, wireless fuel probes can be installed in the vehicle, or fuel cap sensors. Using a special locator allows reading data from the vehicles onboard computer or remote reading of tachograph files. The GPS monitoring system based on the advanced version of the DSLocate application is a comprehensive tool for managing vehicle fleets in any company. To conclude an agreement, please write to us at biuro@datasystem.pl

11. Can I receive instructions for my device?

All instructions are available at the following link: installation instructions

12. What notifications are available in the DSLocate application regarding e-Toll?

Notifications are sent for each vehicle about data transmission problems or GPS signal problems lasting longer than 15 minutes. If you download the DSLocate application to your smartphone, notifications are sent to the application on your smartphone and appear on the screen. If you do not use the DSLocate application on your smartphone, notifications will be sent to the email provided during the account setup in the DSLocate system, via the browser on a standard computer. Notifications are sent for each vehicle about data transmission problems or GPS signal problems lasting longer than 15 minutes. If you download the DSLocate application to your smartphone, notifications are sent to the application on your smartphone and appear on the screen. If you do not use the DSLocate application on your smartphone, notifications will be sent to the email provided during the account setup in the DSLocate system, via the browser on a standard computer. More information is available at the following.

